I’m not sure there’s a demographic of laypeople more in need of good systematic theology than mothers and grandmothers. We are the first responders to the next generation’s tender young questions. Their hands may be small; their questions are not.
The Hardest Mile: 3 Truths for Coming Back to Christ
Everybody always talks about how hard it is to get started. Few talk about how hard it is to start over. Starting over takes double the mental and emotional energy. Because you know where you used to be. You’ve been here before. You know how far you’ve fallen. You know what hitting reset means. You know the work it’s going to take just to claw halfway back to where you used to be.
Friday Prayer for a Big Decision
Father, It was your three-personed wisdom that set the earth’s foundations and established the heavens. You are infinitely loving, eternally…
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More than a Seed Vault: Our Children are Future Temples
We aren’t interested in raising robots programmed to spit out Bible facts. We want to raise future worshippers of the lamb – something only God Himself can accomplish. We know he reveals himself and saves through his word, so we want our children to know and love it.
Run with Endurance. Look to Jesus.
David and I recently ran the relay station for field day at our kids’ tutorial. You’d think explaining how to…
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Welcome Back
Hi friends, It’s been a minute! A little over three years ago my family went through a difficult season in…
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