I love to talk to anything that will listen. One of the reasons I fell in love with my husband…
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6 Reasons Introverts Need That Awkward Handshake Time at Church
They lure us in with an upbeat, energizing “call to worship” song. Just as we’re settling in, the worship leader forces us to do the most awkward part of Sunday morning: “Turn and greet your neighbor.”
Why the Self-Care Gospel is Failing You
It’s not bad to do things that are generally good for your well being, but the problem is that ultimately, you’re not a very good care-er, not even for yourself.
Missional Motherhood: Why This One’s Got to Be on Your Shelf
In the sea of cheap snack-food books for moms laced with sodium-nitrate, yellow-dye, false-gospel additives that rot our souls, THIS…
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