Hi friends,
It’s been a minute! A little over three years ago my family went through a difficult season in ministry. I’ve written and taught about suffering, trusting the Lord, and leaning on scripture, but it was through this trial that God engraved these lessons on my heart. Three years later I can say with the Psalmist “it was good I was afflicted that I might learn his statutes.” God is so good!
And it’s time to write again! I’m currently in a wonderful and full season of motherhood that includes homeschooling a teenager, tween, and one “little kid” left in the family. I’m the pastor’s wife of a church plant that includes setting up and tearing down in a movie theater every week with the sweetest, most joyful team. The love of my life and I will celebrate 19 years of marriage next month. He’s still my best friend and the one I most love to be around. I’m doubly convinced of the all-sufficient word of God and the power of the gospel to save sinners and sustain the believer. I love my church and understand that we are meant to live in community with the family of God. You can expect these things to fill most of my writing because they fill most of my life.
I want to thank many of you who have prayed for my family in the last few years and those who have reached out encouraging me to write again. If you have no idea who I am and you forgot that you subscribed, that’s ok! Stick around and let’s meet.
My prayer is that God would use something you read here to encourage your marriage, motherhood, homeschooling, grandmothering, study of the word, ministry to the church, or walk with Christ. Thank you for subscribing. It’s a joy to follow the Lord together!
In Him,